A Writer's CV
Claire Smith holds an MA in English from the Open University (Pass with Merit), completed in 2013. She is a graduate of The University of Gloucestershire, with a BA (Honours) in English Studies with Modern Writing (2:1).
She began writing creatively while a student, and has continued to develop, mainly concentrating on poetry since leaving university.
Most recently she participated in the Art Shape Programme, Art Bridge Evolve, between March 2018 and February 2019. This involved participating in three exhibitions:
Three poems: ‘Owls’, Prince of Rocks’ and ‘Burial Ground’ featured in the SOMAC Festival at the Free Bookshop, Westgate Street, Gloucester
A five poem cycle, based around gender and the museum’s collections, created for an exhibition, ‘RE Collections’, in Museum in the Park, Stroud, Gloucestershire
A collaborative poem based on the theme ‘Odyssey’ at Gloucester Cathedral
Claire also has a number of years experience working as a Research Assistant at the University of Gloucestershire. The main projects she worked on are listed below:
Researched statistics for British Cultural Identities (4th edition)
Updated a timeline for a forthcoming book on British contemporary novels
Research for several sections of the publication below; including work on Virginia Woolf’s 'Orlando'
Compiled a timeline for a publication on Modernism
Collation of a bibliography to help with a publication on the author Julian Barnes
Research for, and drafting of, several chapters in The Essential Guide to Studying English
Research and Copy for the English website at University of Gloucestershire
Collating statistical data on the HE and FE Sector
Further Reference section for The Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms
'The Scenery' in Cold Turkey (Ashby-de-la-Zouch: Inkermen Press, 2009)
'Cells' in Loss (Ashby-de-la-Zouch: Inkermen Press, 2009)
The Web:
Some of Claire’s early poems are published online at http://www.newmystics.com
‘Account from a Waiting Ship’ in ETTT (Eye to the Telescope) Evolving Gender, Issue 26, ed. by Sandra J. Lindow, Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association <https://eyetothetelescope.com/about.html> ( October 2017)
‘Writing on Swans’ REPRINTED IN Riddled with Arrows: 2:3 ed. by Shannon Conner Windward, <riddledwitharrows.com> (2018)
Magazines and Journals:
'Burial Ground' in 'Glevensis: The Review of the Gloucestershire Archaeology Society, formally ‘Gadarg', No. 46 (2013)
‘Carousel’ in Tyree Campbell (ed.), ‘Illumen Spring 2015,’ Alban Lake Publishing (April 2015)
‘Cinders’ in Tyree Campbell (ed), ‘Illumen Spring 2017,’Alban Lake Publications (April 2017)
'Sea Princess' in S. T. Joshi (ed.), 'Spectral Realms', Hippocampus Press, No. 1 (Summer 2014)
‘The Apple’ in S. T. Joshi (ed.), 'Spectral Realms', Hippocampus Press, No. 2 (Winter 2015)
‘Phantom’ in S. T. Joshi (ed.), 'Spectral Realms', Hippocampus Press, No. 4 (Winter 2016)
'Fallen' (a re-edit of 'Seeds of Guilt') in S. T. Joshi (ed.), 'Spectral Realms', Hippocampus Press, No. 6 (Winter 2017)
‘Hunted’ in S. T. Joshi (ed.), 'Spectral Realms', Hippocampus Press, No. 6 (Winter 2017)
‘The Wolf's Last Words’ in S. T. Joshi (ed.), 'Spectral Realms', Hippocampus Press, No. 6 (Winter 2017)
‘Angry Sun/Bloated Moon’ Words’ in S. T. Joshi (ed.), 'Spectral Realms,' Hippocampus Press, No. 7 (Summer 2017)
‘Forever the Covens Break Us’ in S. T. Joshi (ed.) ‘Spectral Realms #8,’ Hippocampus Press, No. 8 (Winter 2018)
‘Conjuring in Cupid's Garden’ in S. T. Joshi (ed.) ‘Spectral Realms, #10,' Hippocampus Press; No. 10 (Winter 2019)
‘The Flirtation’ in Lee Ann Story Sikora (ed.), Trysts of Fate Summer 2015’, Alban Lake Publishing Issue 4 (August 2015)
‘Valentine's Ball’ in Lee Ann Story Sikora (ed.), 'Trysts of Fate Winter 2017,’ Alban Lake Publishing, (February 2017)
‘Forest of Borth’ in Fossil Lake II: The Re-Fossiling ed. by Christine Morgan (USA: Sabledrake Enterprises, 2015) https://fossillake.wordpress.com/
‘Circus Troupe’ in The Night Cafe Anthology ed. by Tyree Campbell and Sylvan Bree Baker (USA: Alban Lake Publishing, 2016)
‘Seeds of Guilt’ in Death's Garden Anthology ed. by Reaper (Tacoma, Washington: Lycan Valley Press, 2018)
‘The Courtships’ in Untimely Frost Anthology ed. by Suzie and Bruce Lockheart (Tacoma, Washington: Lycan Valley Press, 2018)
‘Writing on Swans’ in V10: 10 Poems, 10 Poets, ed. by Victoria Dovey, (Gloucester: The Gloucester Poetry Society Pamphlet, 2018)
‘A Quiet Battle Fought’ in Revolution, ed. by Zack Dicks (Gloucester: The Gloucester Poetry Society, 2018)
‘Pigeon’ in V10: 10 Poems, 10 Poets' Volume 2 ed. by Z Dicks (Gloucester: Gloucestershire Poetry Society, 2019)
Poems Exhibited as part of Art Bridge Evolve:
March 2018-February 2019
‘The Owls,’ Art Shape Exhibition, part of SOMAC, Gloucester Free Bookshop (Summer 2018).
‘The Rock Princes,’ Art Shape Exhibition, part of SOMAC, Gloucester Free Bookshop (Summer 2018).
‘Burial Ground,’ originally published in 'Glevensis,’ 2013 (see above for details), Art Shape Exhibition, part of SOMAC, Gloucester Free Bookshop (Summer 2018).
‘My Place: A Female Figure in History’
A Poem Cycle:
‘Today’s Pampering, Yesterday’s Adornments’
‘Bride and Groom’
‘Chores I, II, and III’
‘Career Girl’
‘The (Great) Aunties’
These poems were written on women and history based on my reactions to the museum's artefacts, as part of the exhibition, ‘RE Collections,’ in ‘The Collection's Room’, Museum in the Park, Stroud, October 2018.
‘A Collective Poem (based on The Odyssey(s)) – Please Participate!’
This was an exercise in collaborative poetry, as part of the exhibition Odyssey, at Gloucester Cathedral, 9th January - 12th February 2019.
Other Publications Claire Has Assisted With:
British Cultural Identities, ed. by Mike Storry and Peter Childs, 4th edn (London and New York: Routledge, 2013)
Childs, Peter, Contemporary Novelists: British Fiction since 1970, 2nd edn (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
Childs, Peter, Modernist Literature: A Guide for the Perplexed (London: Continuum, 2011)
Childs, Peter, Julian Barnes (Manchester: Manchester UP, 2011)
Childs, Peter, The Essential Guide to English Studies (London: Continuum, 2008)
Childs, Peter and Fowler, Roger, The Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms (London: Routledge, 2006)